- Any student who resides in Massachusetts can apply to BCCS.
- Priority is given to those students who have current siblings attending BCCS.
- The application can be converted into 8 other languages. Just click the language you wish to convert to when on Schoolmint. The languages are located at the top of the page in the grey tabs.
- It’s the basic application system that most charter schools in the Boston area use for the application process. This means that you can apply to more than one charter school with one application. You just simply click on each school you want to apply for.
- Absolutely your child can attend. At BCCS we have a SPED PAC that meets regularly to discuss policies and best practices. Here are our current meeting dates for the 2020-2021 SY: 9/30/20, 12/9/20 and 5/6/21) at 5:30. If you would like to join please email familyengagement@bostoncollegiate.org. Parents also created and manage the Student Support Facebook group that can be found here.
- Nothing! Unless you are applying for sibling preference then we will need a copy of the birth certificate by February 28th.
- A confirmation email will be sent to you via Schoomint. If you do not receive this email, please contact: Familyengagement@bostoncollegiate.org
- February 28, 2021
- March 9, 2021 (Snow Date: Wednesday, March 10, 2021)
- No, you do not. BCCS will be streaming the Lottery live. Feel free to follow us on social media: @BostonCollegiateCharterSchool (FaceBook and Instagram)
- BCCS posts the results onto your Schoolmint account within an hour or two of the Lottery. You have to log into your account and your results will appear.
- Go to SchoolMint. Click the button that says forgot my username/password and follow the instructions.
- Great! Welcome to BCCS! If you want to accept the offer then click accept and a follow up email will be sent.
- We understand! These decisions are not easy and should take time. We will be hosting tour dates soon after the Lottery.
- Yes, but not immediately. All mandatory orientations will take place in late Spring.
- We welcome all questions. Please email us at: familyengagement@bostoncollegiate.org