Want to check out what’s happening at the Lower School during Quarter One? See our offerings below!

Glam Squad

Do you like to to watch home decorating shows? Does your bedroom reflect your personal style? Do you enjoy making things look better? If so, Glam Squad is for you! With Ms. Downes as your leader, you’ll meet 1-2 times a month and work on school beautification projects. It could be anything from hanging new bulletin boards, to decorating a classmate’s cubby, to preparing the multi-purpose room for major events such as the Halloween Dance and the Lower School Talent Show. This group is for kids who like to decorate and aren’t afraid to put in the work to make things look their best!

Green Team
Do you care about the environment? Are you into recycling? Do you like to help out with chores at home or at school? If so, the Green Team is a great way to get involved in saving our planet! If you are a responsible kid who is not afraid to do a little physical labor, this is the group for you!